The BEES: Learning through observing bees and how they work, leave us wanting to know more about beekeeping and all its wonders. Observing God’s workmanship is the miracle that leaves one in awe at a Creator that displays such perfection and efficiency through watching these creatures at work.
LAKOTA: Lakota is a social, playful horse who loves people. He is gentle and easy to love. When people approach the pasture, he will greet them by extending his neck across the fence, hoping to receive a scratch on the head. Because of his curious and funny personality, he will often make people chuckle with delight. Lakota is an experienced lesson horse and has given many individuals their first ride.
COPPER: Come to the farm and meet Copper! He is a stunning Quarter horse gelding who was donated by Ross and Lauren Blackburn. Copper has experience giving lessons to children and adults. Gentle and calm describe his personality. He is very attentive and curious.
CAS: He is a beautiful Morgan/Quarter Horse mix who enjoys meeting people and being with his equine herd. He has developed close relationships with Copper and Tater Trot. When in a playful mood, he has a magnificent trot/canter that displays his beauty and strength. Under saddle, Cas’ fluid movements provide his rider a smooth experience. He has done a marvelous job with his training and is ready to join participants with fun horse activities. When you pass by the farm, roll down your window, whistle and say, “Hi, Cas!”
OSCAR: Oscar is the cutest miniature donkey in Deep Gap. He has lots of personality and has charmed young and old with his “hee haw” sound and sweet eyes. Oscar has convinced many friends that he would like to sit on their laps and hang out in their homes. He has been a fun addition to our farm.
BISCUIT AND MOOSE: Have you ever met a Miniature Babydoll Southdown sheep? Biscuit and Moose will greet you with their teddy bear looking faces and sweet smiles. They have quickly become favorite friends of the farm.
THE GIRLS: Come meet our flock and watch how entertaining chickens can be! Lola, Sapphire, Hazel, Tilley, Bee Balm, Scooby and Shaggy are just a few of the hens that you will meet.
Jill: Our sweet barn kitty knows no stranger and fancies herself as the official greeter of the barn. She is always up for a snuggle and a nap in a warm lap. Warning: Jill may just try to stow away in an unsuspecting person’s car if the door is left open!
Storm: Although our cat, Jill, rules the barn, you may also catch a peek at our other barn cat, Storm. She has beautiful long gray and white fur and will often be looking down at you from the top of the tack room. Storm enjoys climbing walls and tall poles. If you sit quietly and allow her to approach you, she will often welcome a gentle stroke on the back. So next time that you are at the farm, remember to look up and you just might see Storm!

Mail Checks To:
de la Cruz Farms
PO Box 165
Deep Gap, North Carolina 28618